Want to learn more about our newest collection?

Vibration FW2019 electronic product knowledge tool is here.

Product knowledge is the key to increasing sales and we want to make sure we assist you and your team as best as we can for you to do so. Our Electronic Product Knowledge is a straightforward, helpful, concise tool that will allow you and your employees to autonomously learn about Anne-Marie Chagnon and the current collection while providing you with key selling propositions.

Learn more about our brand and the Vibration FW2019 Collection by clicking below. To lock in all these new learnings, we invite you to complete the FW2019 quiz ! 

* Find out more about us on annemariechagnon.com

What's the purpose of this document and why should you take the quiz ?

For your sales.

  • It provides  storytelling content to inspire customers.
  • It helps differentiate Anne-Marie Chagnon products from competitors.
  • It is a sales tool and reference document that will answer customer questions.

For you.

Completing the quiz will :

  • Grant you free shipping on your next order. 
  • Provide all participating employees with the chance to win a prize! For every territory, one employee will be given the opportunity to select a jewellery piece of their choice, valued at up to $150 (retail price).
May you have a fruitful season!
Sandra Pagé, Sales Director
Copyright © 2019 Anne-Marie Chagnon, all rights reserved.

Address :
Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333 av. Casgrain, Suite 502
Montreal, Qc H2T 1X3