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The story behind
In pursuance of an unstoppable desire to reinvent herself, Anne-Marie showcases the ever-changing inspirations and influences that mark her path. Discover the story behind her latest collection through these distinctive and elegant pieces of jewelry.
The bearer
Sweet and rebellious, wild and delicate. This pearl carries multiple messages and reveals the wearer’s authentic self.
The comma
This juxtaposed pattern encapsulates gentle balance while punctuating the rhythm of your movements with elegance and fluidity.
The folded
A simple square takes on new meaning when slightly creased. Of oriental inspiration and origami tradition, this atypical shape carries us to Japan.
The nugget
The paradox between crude and delicate is rediscovered through a poetic mix of textures. Inspired by the infinite forces and nuances of nature.
Shop now
Anne-Marie Chagnon
502-5333 Avenue Casgrain
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2T1X3

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