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For 25 years, we've been faithful devotees to a metal unlike any other. Dating back to Ancient Egypt, this material is mostly made of tin. It isn't silver, nor is it platinum.

That metal is called pewter.

Why pewter ?
Because pewter has an important number of advantages and has been
our chosen way of creating and producing responsibly and locally for the past 25 years.
Giving Anne-Marie and her team free rein to their imagination, this metal is not only
chosen for its aesthetic appeal, but because it is malleable and versatile.

This is important to us at the creation and production standpoints, but also to your customer since it allows them to adjust some pieces to their liking. For instance, this is why all our rings
are sold as a "one size fits all"; because they are adjustable from a size 6 to 9.
Why is the use of pewter a good practice?
Because pewter allows us to keep all stages of production within the walls of our Montreal workshop. Because every stage of the process becomes our business, and ours only. 

We have our own foundry annexed to our creative workshop which means that most
of our production is done locally, from conceptualizing new designs to packaging them.
This is a very positive aspect allowing us a tighter control over quality and a better grasp of quantities. Furthermore, melting and molding our own pewter not only offers infinite creative possibilities, but avoids waste while allowing us to reuse and recycle un-used material.

Know that every single piece that comes out of our molds is verified and perfected
3 to 4 times by our expert molders before being passed on to our assembling teams.

If this is not attention to detail, I don't know what is!
Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333 Casgrain avenue, #502
Montréal, Québec