Always here to help, no matter the circumstances

We're all in this together. More than ever. We know times have been challenging and unsettling but we want to let you know that we're still here to help. At Anne-Marie Chagnon, we are a united family you, your sales representatives, us at the head office that stick together, through the ups and downs. And in these very strange times, we stay united because solidarity is at the core of who we are and what we do. We know that we are better together.

We have created a long lasting bond with you through a joint passion for craftsmanship and beauty and we hope to pursue it for the years to come. Know that our teams are working tirelessly to continue offering you what we do best: local, distinctive, handmade jewelry.

Your sales representatives in particular have been working harder than ever. They are the glue that holds us together during these socially distant times. We want to thank them for their unbelievable work throughout the years and throughout this crisis. Know that they are here to support you and your business, answer your questions or be an open ear to talk to. 

Anne-Marie and our field team from different parts of the globe want to share some thoughts with you. Here's what they have to say.

"The past few weeks have made me realize how essential it is to appreciate the little things life has to offer ; they enrich my day to day and bring me happiness. With my little assistant, I send you a smile. I'm here to accompany you, guide you or just chit chat."

Québec, Canada

"If you give out self-respect and self-love, the Universe will return the love and respect you've been radiating. It's really so simple."

Western Canada

"Working from home thinking of creative new ideas to work with all of you!"

New England & Mid Atlantic territories USA
"This charming Barred owl lives in my backyard and has listened to my worries all Spring. I love early am morning coffee outside on the deck. I clear my head, read, and basically chart how to save my world. Currently, a big concern is: 3 tomato plants, 2 squirrels, 1 owl, and how to keep them all alive. Let’s translate that loosely into my small business community, a wholesale family of designers, boutiques, and reps.  I have hope and much respect for all the moving parts. We will succeed."

Southeastern states, USA

"We are stronger together.
I am only a phone call, text or email away!"

Eastern Canada

"My new normal has completely changed my rush hour travel patterns. Now my on ramp is the hallway pass, zip through the living room and take the sunroom office exit. I’m at work. It has made me consider what  we really need.  What we thought we needed.  And how much we can do with less."    

Southeastern States, USA
"Nothing is as it was. Life as we knew it, is changing. In the midst of this's important to realize the many silver linings, whether it be connecting on Zoom (for business or personal)'s bringing people together in ways we could not have imagined. So many challenges...learning how to stretch ourselves to think outside the box and step outside of our comfort zone for new opportunities/possibilities (like my moving in with my significant other, of over 20 years, after maintaining independent dwelling all this time). And most importantly to be grateful for what we have and aware of the true goodness in people."

Midwestern States, USA

"Live Love Laugh together - There are brighter days ahead."

Ontario, Canada

"Hello to every one of you,

We are living through strange times that showcase great solidarity. You are here with us, despite the exceptional implication that this passage requires. Your presence makes a true difference in our lives and in the success of our companies; especially in this truly extraordinary period. In other words, you are our rainbow.

Know that we are also present. Staying united with you has never been more important. On behalf of my team and on my behalf I thank you very much and wish everyone a bright future. "

Founder & Artistic Director

Never forget that after the storm comes the rainbow.

Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333 av Casgrain
Montreal, Qc H2T 1X3 