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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

FMNC | April 14-16, 2019

Come discover VIBRATION, Anne-Marie Chagnon’s most recent collection, this April at the Fashion Market Northern California!

Our sales representative Cynthia Zahm will be happy to make you discover or reintroduce you to Anne-Marie Chagnon and her signature pieces - distinctive jewelry for remarkable women, handcrafted in Canada.

Fashion Market Northern California
From April 14-16, 2019
At the San Mateo Event Center
1346 Saratoga Dr, San Mateo, CA
Presented by Cynthia Zahm
Booth #253-258

Anne-Marie Chagnon
Anne-Marie Chagnon
VIBRATION | SS 2019 Catalogue
VIBRATION | SS 2019 Price List

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales & Events Coordinator