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A Celebration of Womanhood

Friday March 8th marks the 2019 edition of International Women's Day; a global day recognizing the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. In honor of this occasion, I would like to celebrate all of you women accomplishing great things, pushing back limits, setting new standards for women and for the world.

Empowering Women To Be Themselves

As a female entrepreneur, artist and business owner, I can affirm that social pressure is  a burden. Being a woman in a world forged by the idea that we belong in certain social roles are difficult stereotypes to break through.
I believe we are commencing an exciting period of history in which women are finally in the forefront, achieving amazing things, speaking out, embracing their singularities.
Read More About My Journey

Showcasing our differences

I claim my right to be different and to declare my difference. Sometimes I upset people, but I always express and assert myself and my convictions.

I create jewellery for me and for all the women that wish to join me in my audacity. I create to celebrate uniqueness and to proudly honor womanhood. Being yourself is a remarkable thing.


Copyright © 2019 Anne-Marie Chagnon, all rights reserved.

Address :
Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333 av. Casgrain, Atelier 502
Montreal, Qc H2T 1X3