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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Express shipping on a large selection of in-stock items!

With our elves having left on vacation, we will not be able to produce jewellery before their return in 2019. Not to worry, we planned a last surprise for you this year: express shipping on a large selection of in-stock items! Here are some important details to consider:

- You need to login and place your order through our B2B platform.
- Only the jewellery marked with the « Express Shipping » icon is eligible.


Anne-Marie Chagnon


- Once you are logged in, click on the « Express Shipping » tab to see all the eligible items.
- The non-eligible items will not be produced.
- When you are about to confirm your order at Checkout, mark the « Express Shipping » box.


Anne-Marie Chagnon


- Your jewellery will leave our studio within 2 business days.

Be advised! Available quantities may vary. By choosing the « Express Shipping » option, only in-stock items will be shipped.


Click here to browse our in-stock and ready-to-ship items


Please note you have until December 17th to place your order!

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us or your sales representative.

Happy Holidays!

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales & Events Coordinator

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