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Anne-Marie Chagnon
Anne-Marie Chagnon

A unique multi-sensory experience

The Chromatic collection is a vibrant celebration of color, upcycling, and material diversity. Each piece in this collection is a work of art that captures the beauty of details, light, and a dazzling color palette that evokes the freshness of the early sunny days.  

Anne-Marie Chagnon

A new breath

As the brand approaches its 30th anniversary, Anne-Marie has been defending local craftsmanship and sustainable creation. She has opened new fields of possibility by boldly playing with iconic pieces from our archives, creating a harmonious link between the past and the present to give new life to each creation.  

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Eclecticism of textures and materials

Each creation in the collection is made from resin, natural wood, and our favorite metal : pewter. Every piece has a unique texture and distinctive character.  

Anne-Marie Chagnon

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