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Anne-Marie Chagnon


My 2017 Fall-Winter Collection proposes a second wave of creativity, drawing on the same inspiration as for the Spring-Summer collection: nature, with its shapes that are distinct, round, and fluid colors. Without reflection, I let my instinct raw and pure, drive my creation.


"We don’t need to wear jewellery. We wear jewellery the way we carry a message. It’s a way of showing your difference. A way of being strong. For yourself first, then for others."

- Anne-Marie Chagnon


Every woman can find her own unique way to express her true self.
Come discover a universe as strong as the wind and be embraced by its breath.


See all the new jewellery


Discover the inspiration







Artist jeweller


PS : We have a few upcoming events. Mark your calendar and be there!

Opening night of the BALLET photographic exhibition. Exhibit runs through August 20.
(Montreal, Quebec)


Studio boutique inauguration party
At the studio, starting at 5 p.m.!

(Montreal, Quebec)


Anne-Marie participates in the glamour panel “Innovative Women, Brilliant Women” in closing of a symposium
(Quebec, Quebec)