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Anne-Marie Chagnon
Anne-Marie Chagnon

In this time of rejoicing and recollection, it was important for us to take a moment and appreciate how far we have come.

Anne-Marie Chagnon’s storyline has always been intrinsically linked to our retailers. For more than 27 years, we have shared our dreams, our achievements, our creativity, our passion, our know-how and our love of the industry. This singular industry that can be both exhilarating and abrupt. And this past year was no exception.

We know, as we too are at the helm of a company that we hope will prosper and endure, that the ups and downs of 2022 have brought many challenges. From the joy of returning to full operation to international conflicts, from economic fluctuations to climatic agitation, these 12 months have left us slightly breathless, but also filled with gratitude and pride towards you. Your continued support has carried us, for the most part, since our earliest days and you are an integral part of our success.

Standing by your side is a privilege that we know to be precious. Thank you to each of you. For your trust, your loyalty and your love of the business.

May 2023 be prosperous. May 2023 be serene. May 2023 be everything you need.

On behalf of the entire Anne-Marie Chagnon team, a heartfelt thank you!

Anne-Marie Chagnon Anne-Marie Chagnon Anne-Marie Chagnon