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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon: In The Media

To keep you up-dated concerning Anne-Marie Chagnon’s jewellery publication in the media; we are pleased to send this newsletter.

In the past month...

On the red carpet of the Oscar party

What an honor to see the actress Breeda Wool on the red carpet of the Oscar party with one of our jewels!

Alia Collection
Necklace : Yaita

actress Breeda Wool on the red carpet of the Oscar party

Quebec Premier, Pauline Marois

Quebec Premier, Pauline Marois wore our stylish earrings during a press conference.

Loqia Collection
Earring: Noemi 01

Quebec Premier, Pauline Marois

16th “Soirée des Jutra”, the annual Quebec film awards

During 16th “Soirée des Jutra”, the annual Quebec film awards, a Jutra-Hommage was handed this year to the comedienne and the director Micheline Lanctôt.

The lady, who accumulates 40 years of career in front of and behind the camera gave us an emotional speech. It was an honour for us to be part in the elegance of Micheline Lanctôt, and we were proud to see her wearing a pair of Gentiana earrings from LUV’s spring-summer collection.

LUV Collection
Earrings: Gentiana 04

Micheline Lanctôt, 16th “Soirée des Jutra”, the annual Quebec film awards

Louise Archambault, director of the feature film "Gabrielle"

« Gabrielle » feature film of the director Louise Archambault received the price Canadian Screen Awards of the best motion picture!! Congratulation!

LUV Collection
Bracelet: Mimosa 02 A, Section of the detachable bracelet

Louise Archambault, director of the feature film

Wearable Art, Some Art Is Meant To Be Worn

ALIA Collection
Necklace: Oema 01 A
Earrings: Ponui 03 A clair

 Lifestyle magazine, Jan/Feb 2014, p.19-21
Lifestyle magazine, Jan/Feb 2014

Tracy Moore, the host of “CityLine” Toronto, broadcasted on City TV is a fan
of Anne-Marie Chagnon jewelry!

Alia Collection
Necklace: Tramo 04 F
Bracelet: Enoha 05

Qor Collection
Ring: Alfao transparent.

Tracy Moore, the host of “CityLine”
Cityline, City TV

Anne-Marie Chagnon's Jewelry in the catalog Spring / Summer 2014 for Point Zéro

Point Zéro catalog Spring / Summer 2014

Point Zéro catalog Spring / Summer 2014

Point Zéro catalog Spring / Summer 2014