Confined, but still united.

Just like you, we have been isolated at home for the past few weeks, but know that has not slowed us down. A transformed day-to-day, new and evolving challenges to undertake, but what remains is a team that stays undivided; united by passion and hard work, and dedicated to serve you. We are still here and will continue to offer what we do best: local, distinctive and handmade jewelry.

Let’s try and enjoy, as best as we can, our lives indoors to ensure that the next chapter is the best it can possibly be. As we wait for our normalcy to return, the Anne-Marie Chagnon team wishes to keep you in the loop. Here is what the team has been up to the past few weeks.

"Time, my new companion. He allows me to spend quality time with my 20 year old feline friend and offer her the profusion of hugs she deserves. He also grants me with availability to deliver help at my local CHSLD and meet with its remarkable residents, to pursue my work with Anne-Marie Chagnon, to award myself with some « me » time. "

Sales Director
"I'm still here and happy to be! I read you everyday and share with you on social media. I write to you regularly, via emails like this one. It is a true pleasure to continue « chit-chatting » with you. My last weeks can be summed up as: dressing in loungewear 7 days a week and indulging in activities for which I don't normally have time. Between work and full nights of sleep, I help out as a babysitter at the CHUM hospital, get things cooking in the kitchen and spend quite some time behind my canvases. A time to slow down, but also to commence new projects! "

Senior Marketing, PR and Communications Advisor
Operations Director

“Live from the attic of my ancestral home, I present to you my new office. Although the times are tough, we remain united and strong, everything will be okay."

Collection Development and Quality Control Assistant

“ Being separated from each other does not prevent us from staying a team. We won't allow this crisis to cease our creativity from flowing and are mission from changing . "

“Browsing through my emails while keeping an eye on that recipe simmering in the kitchen, I am lucky enough to still be working for you, from the comfort of my home. Behind my screen I advise you, coordinate your orders, and perhaps, tempt you into getting yourself something nice and new… I can’t help but miss the lively atmosphere of the workshop and the frantic typing of fingers on keyboards in the offices." 

Online Sales Coordinator
« We're thinking of you from the comfort of our homes. Everything is going to be okay." 
Tarik, Logistics and Procurement Director
"Betty and I in this room I call my temporary office, which also serves as a sewing workshop and music studio. Betty keeps me company every morning and is always ready for a cuddle as soon as I settle in my seat, ready to start working. "

Customer Service and Repairs Executive Assistant
"I often say that beauty is found in all things, even those that are said to be imperfect. The current situation is a good exercise in this sense. For each person it will have a different meaning. But for everyone, this moment can be an opportunity to seize beauty even in the chaos. Remember to focus on happiness, and surround yourself with beauty. "

Artistic Director and Founder

"I try to see the disruption caused by this crisis through the eyes of a child. I am fascinated to see my daughters adapt to this exceptional situation as if it had always been this way! "

Chief Executive Officer
Let's stay home, look out for each other and continue to flatten that curve together, 

The Anne-Marie Chagnon team 
Postal Address :
Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333 av Casgrain
Montreal, Qc H2T 1X3 