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It's Quiz Time !


We've sent you our very first Electronic Product Knowledge tool and we hope it was useful to you and your team ! As promised, we are following up with a quiz based on its content that will help assess the key information presented. We encourage you as well as all your employees to complete the quiz ! 


Your participation, your gain.

For you :
As a thank you for completing the quiz, we will grant you free shipping on your next order. 
*Make sure to complete the name, store, email and role fields for us to allot free shipping.*
For your employees :
Employees that complete the quiz will be entered in a draft to win a prize. For every territory, one employee will be picked to choose the jewellery piece of their choice of a value up to 150$ (retail price).
Need to take another peak at our EPK before taking the quiz?
That's just fine ! You can access our Electronic product Knowledge tool by clicking on the image below. 
Good luck and may you have a fruitful season!

Sandra Pagé, Sales Director