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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Dear clients,

The year is coming to an end and the Holiday festivities are about to begin. In these joyous times, the Anne-Marie Chagnon team wishes to thank you for a wonderful 2018. You contribute in making our brand grow bigger and better on the national and international scene and for that, we thank you.

In 2018, Anne-Marie was guided by the Point of Origin. The collection was composed of organic pieces, combined strength and softness and was a tribute to the imperfection, singularity and uniqueness that make women so remarkable.

For a springtime breeze in the middle of a cold winter, keep an eye open for sneakpeaks of next season’s new collection on our social media! In the meantime, please take note that our studios will be closed until January 7th, 2019.

Happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year,

The Anne-Marie Chagnon team

Anne-Marie Chagnon
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