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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Do not miss out on our special Holiday offer!

This Holiday season, Anne-Marie Chagnon is happy to offer you a gift. According to your order’s total, you will be eligible to choose between two complimentary jewelry sets selected below. Note that you can modify the color of the chosen set, by clearly indicating the change. When placing your order before November 21st, 2018, you'll be sure to receive your jewelry in time for the Holiday season.

Between $450 and $749

1 | Mureli in Anthracite and Bilbo in Pearl

2 | Epicea and Abelia in Pearl & Gold

$750 and over

3 | Holly and Petal in Walnut

4 | Gemma and Epicea in Pearl & Pewter


Please indicate the chosen option when sending your order. If you place it through our B2B platform, please write your choice in the 'Notes' section.

Between $450 and $749 | jewelry set 1 or 2
$750 and over| jewelry set 3 or 4

The special offer is valid from October 30 to November 21, 2018.

Fall-Winter 2018 Catalogue
Fall-Winter 2018 Price List


For more information, do not hesitate to contact us or your sales representative.

Happy Holiday season!

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales & Events Coordinator