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Anne-Marie Chagnon


Dear partners,

It is with a heavy heart that I am writing you today to inform you that Ann Redt will be departing the Anne-Marie Chagnon team. In light of recent events, Ann has decided to retire and focus on her health and family.

We have had the immense privilege of working with Ms. Redt and would like to highlight the incredible work she has accomplished throughout her 8 years as an Anne-Marie Chagnon retailer and 4 years as a sales representative. Those who had the chance of working with Ms. Redt are able to appreciate her sophistication, expertise and the passion she put into her work every day. She has been a valuable asset to help us meet your concerns, satisfy your needs and has assisted in elevating the brand to what it is today. Her professionalism, impeccable work ethic and zest for life have undeniably played a great role in the success of the Anne-Marie Chagnon label that you know and love. Following this email, you will be receiving a farewell letter from Ms. Redt who wanted to share some final words with you.

As of August 20th 2018, your sales representative will be Mrs. Karin Spencer, a new addition to our team. With a couple decades of experience in retail and wholesale for Canadian products, Karin is pleased to assist you in supplying Anne-Marie Chagnon creations to your customers. We are delighted to welcome her in the Anne-Marie Chagnon family and look forward to working closely with you and Mrs. Spencer on future projects and partnerships. Until then, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team who will be happy to answer any questions or concerns.

You are an important part of the development and strength of the brand, and I want to thank you warmly for your commitment and faith throughout the years.