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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon


Come discover our newest collection
at the Originals Spring Show
April 5-8, 2018


After over two decades of reinventing jewellery, Anne-Marie Chagnon has mastered the innate power and terrestrial beauty of raw, undervalued material and form. In her newest collection, she returns to the beginning and uses the Point of Origin as her guiding principle.

With Point of Origin, Anne-Marie continues to honour the perfect imperfection, unicity, and singularity that make women so remarkable. The artist strives to inject every creation with the transformative experience that occurs when a woman embraces her true essence and celebrates her inner beauty.

Booth #421
EY Centre, Hall 3
4899 Uplands Drive

Ottawa, ON

April 5 – 8, 2018
Thursday 11am – 9pm Friday 11am – 9pm Saturday 11am – 6pm Sunday 11am – 5pm

Anne-Marie Chagnon


See you there!

Audrey Turcotte-Choquette
Retail Sales Manager