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Anne-Marie Chagnon


Dear partners,

The holiday frenzy and the snow that covers Quebec remind us that the year is coming to an end. While looking back on the year’s achievements and planning for the one unfolding, we want to thank you for a 2017 particularly breathtaking! If the 2017 collection was as strong as the wind, enveloping like a breath, you carried it with an inspiring energy and passion.

We are very excited to continue this momentum with you. With her 2018 collection named POINT OF ORIGIN, Anne-Marie returns to the beginning and let herself be guided by the continuous story that she shares with women and material. Working with her hands, she continues to honour the perfect imperfection, unicity, and singularity that make women so remarkable.

Catalog | POINT OF ORIGIN | 2018 Spring-Summer Collection

Until then, we wish you a happy holiday season, both busy and relaxing ☺

Our best wishes for the New Year!

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales and Events Coordinator