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Dear partner,

Anne-Marie Chagnon’s brand new and original 2017 Fall-Winter Collection has been officially launched! It offers you 90 new styles and 4 new color combinations to choose from. Every woman can find her own unique way to express her true self.


Anne-Marie Chagnon


For the 2017 Collection, Anne-Marie Chagnon mixes matter. Inspired by nature with shapes that are distinct, natural, round, and fluid colors, her creations reflect her raw and pure instinct.


The Fall-Winter Collection proposes a second wave of creativity, drawing on the same inspiration. Without reflection. A visceral instinct emanates where meaning emerges thereafter.


Catalogs have been shipped and orders are already coming in. Order now and start prepping for the next season! Here are your catalog and price list, in PDF.


View 2017 Fall-Winter Catalog


View Price List


Oh – one more thing. Videos, pictures, captions and all sorts of goodies will be available soon for your social media. In the meantime, you can browse, select, download our official jewellery and photo shoot pictures and share your favourites! Visit and login with username: media1 and password: media123.


Discover a whole new side of this universe as strong as the wind and be embraced by its breath, marked by the Anne-Marie Chagnon difference – handcrafted and locally made, distinctive jewellery of art and emotion that expresses and tells the story of women’s strength.

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales & Events Coordinator