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Anne-Marie Chagnon


Our studio boutique is getting a new look!


For over a year, Anne-Marie Chagnon has been experiencing profound transformations in which she expresses her timeless identity with more conviction.


We are at the start of a last major project that will give us a new start.

To conclude this great year of change, we are revamping our studio boutique as well as the reception in order to offer you a better experience.


The renovations will start June 12th and will be completed mid-July.


During the renovations, the studio boutique will be closed. The warranty and repair service will remain open to the public (for jewellery drop off and pick up).


To shop for our jewellery, you can always count on our amazing retailers and our online store.


Follow us on Facebook to see the evolution of the new studio boutique and to get exclusive sneak peaks. Don’t miss out! We have lots of surprises waiting for you at our big launch at the end of the summer!

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