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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

For MOTHER'S DAY, pamper her
with a remarkable piece of jewelry.


And why not treat yourself as well with our special offer!

Get up to 20% off your purchase with these promotional codes:

Order over $100 = 10% off (Code: mommy10)
Order over $150 = 15% off (Code: mommy15)
Order over $200 = 20% off (Code: mommy20)

Offer valid online and at our studio-boutique only, from May 1st to May 12th 2017.
Order before May 7th to get your online purchase on time for Mother’s Day.

Shop online




"You don't need to wear jewellery. You wear jewellery the way you carry a message.
It's a way of showing your difference. A way of being strong.
For yourself first, then for others."


- Anne-Marie Chagnon