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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon


Michigan Women’s Wear Market
June 2017


For the 2017 Collection, Anne-Marie Chagnon mixes matter. Inspired by nature with shapes that are distinct, natural, round, and fluid colors, her creations reflect her raw and pure instinct.

The Fall-Winter Collection proposes a second wave of creativity, drawing on the same inspiration. Without reflection. A visceral instinct emanates where meaning emerges thereafter.

Anne-Marie Chagnon’s brand new and original 2017 Fall-Winter Collection proposes 90 new styles and 4 new color combinations to choose from. Every woman can find her own unique way to express her true self.

Anne-Marie Chagnon’s 2017 S/S and F/W Collection will be shown this June, at the Michigan Women’s Wear Market. Official B2B launch for the F/W Collection is on July 4th. Orders made during the Michigan’s Women’s Wear Market will be delivered to retailers by July 1st.

Our sales representative, Bennye Seide will be happy to present the Anne-Marie Chagnon difference – handcrafted and locally made, unique and distinctive jewelry for remarkable women.

Come discover a universe as strong as the wind and be embraced by its breath.
We’ll see you there!

Anne-Marie Chagnon
View 2017 Spring-Summer Catalog
View USD Price List

Sandra Pagé
Sales Director

Emilie Carignan

Sales and Events Coordinator