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Anne-Marie Chagnon



"Social pressure is strong. I fit in, but not at the expense of my personality. I claim my right to be different and to declare my difference. Sometimes I upset people, but I always express and assert myself. I have the passion to invent adornments to make you as strong and remarkable as you are, confident and proud.
Welcome to my audacity."

- Anne-Marie Chagnon

To mark Women’s International Day on March 8th
and to honor the amazing woman you are,
we offer you a free gift with your purchase.

For all orders of $100 and more made on March 8, 2017 in our
online store
, get a free pair of earrings amongst these:

Anne-Marie Chagnon


Anne-Marie Chagnon


Anne-Marie Chagnon


Enter the name of the desired pair in the « coupon »
window when proceeding to checkout.

Offer valid online et à notre studio-boutique,
Only on March 8th.

Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333, Casgrain Avenue, studio 502
Montral, Quebec, Canada
H2T 1X3
514 844-0499