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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

2017 Spring-Summer Collection Launch

For the 2017 Spring-Summer Collection, Anne-Marie Chagnon mixes matter. Inspired by nature with shapes that are distinct, natural, round, and fluid colors, her creations reflect her raw and pure instinct. Without reflection. A visceral instinct emanates where meaning emerges thereafter.

This season’s collection offers names inspired by the wind. These invisible forces, real and timeless, just like Anne-Marie Chagnon’s jewellery. This collection instills an unswerving sense of power to the women wearing her jewellery.

This year, Anne-Marie brings back a material that disappeared from her creations – PVC imported from Germany. These supple and fluid carbon tinted ribbons give way to countless movement and assemblies. Pure lines can then take shape. These smooth lines which at times seem to float evokes the movement of the wind that envelopes.

Resin colored rocks and unexpected textures. Glass elements are once again loaded with colors shattering the universe of the piece. These colors embellish the glass and create shapes, similar to a painting. Textured conical shapes, sometimes colorful, affixed on the black of the PVC brings together romantic forces connecting two eras and reuniting two styles.

Discover this universe that is as strong as the wind, embrace by its breath.


Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333, Casgrain Avenue, studio 502
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2T 1X3
514 844-0499