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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Christmas is fast approaching and you are looking for gift ideas
to please your loved ones?
Avoid the Holiday rush and shop online !

Visit the “Gift Ideas” & “Sale” section of our website
to discover great deals and present ideas that will delight the women you love.

From December 8th to the 11th shop for your favourite jewellery creations
to make sure you get them on time for Christmas!

4 days only!
For all jewellery bought by December 11th in the
“Gift Ideas” & “Sale” section of our web site,
we guarantee that your package will leave our workshops within 48 hours.

Please note our studio and workshop will be closed from December 22 2016 until January 3,
2017 inclusive
. All orders made during this period will be shipped after January 4th 2017.

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Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333, Casgrain Avenue, studio 502
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2T 1X3
514 844-0499