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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Dear partner,

We where thrilled to see Kate Winslet wearing Anne-Marie Chagnon jewellery on billboards in New York City. Indeed, an Anne-Marie Chagnon earring was selected as a key accessory for the character she plays, Joanna Hoffman, in the recently released Steve Jobs movie by director Danny Boyle.

It is quite flattering to know that the Lirio 06 earring in grey (LUV Collection) was hand-picked by the Art Direction and Costume Design teams of the Steve Jobs movie, those of Academy Award Winning movie Slumdog Millionaire, to complete the look of the lead female character played by Kate Winslet.

That look is being used in for all the official promotion of the movie - in the official trailers videos,on posters and billboards, and for the website of the movie.

With all the conversation generated by the movie and the box office records it is foreseen to break during the Holiday season, we thought we'd share this with you. Don't hesitate to share, too!

If your retailers are interested in having the earrings on stock, they can still order the earrings – yes, the earrings do come in pairs. The wholesale price is $22. If you would like this poster included with your order, simply mention it on your order form (or you can download it here [PDF]).

On that note, I wish you a very pleasant day!

Best regards,

Geneviève Guenet
Sales Director

Anne-Marie Chagnon
5333, Casgrain Avenue, studio 502
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
H2T 1X3
514 844-0499