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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

2014 classic collection catalogue


Dear Customer,

It’s with great pleasure that we offer you this new 2014 Edition of the Classic Collection, created to allow you to discover anew or connect again with a selection of Anne-Marie Chagnon’s best selling pieces of jewellery.

Classic Collection: dazzling and timeless
The hallmark of this Collection lies in its dazzling brilliance and timeless design. Reintroduced mostly as neutral and colored versions, this is your opportunity to reorder select pieces that are no longer available.

Download the catalog
We invite you to download:
the 2014 Classic Collection catalog (PDF)
the Classique 2014 US$ Price List (PDF)
Out of concern for the environment, please note that we will not be sending you a printed catalog for this collection by mail.

Thank you for the loyalty you’ve shown towards Anne-Marie Chagnon creations. This collection is our way of saying THANK YOU. We hope you’ll be pleased with it.

The Anne-Marie Chagnon Team


Anne-Marie Chagnon