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Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

Anne-Marie Chagnon

2014 classic collection catalogue


Dear Customer,

The 2014 classic collection catalogue will soon be in your mail box. Be sure to take a look!

It’s with great pleasure that we offer you this new 2014 Edition of the Classic Collection, created to allow you to discover anew or connect again with a selection of Anne-Marie Chagnon’s best selling pieces of jewellery.

Meanwhile we invite you to download the Classic Collection:
Classique 2014 Catalog
Classique 2014 US$ Price List

Thank you for the loyalty you’ve shown towards Anne-Marie Chagnon creations. This collection is our way of saying THANK YOU. We hope you’ll be pleased with it.

The Anne-Marie Chagnon Team


Anne-Marie Chagnon